My sweet family

My sweet family

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Greatest Birthday on Earth

Come one, come all to the greatest birthday on Earth!  Malone turned 4 this weekend!!  And we celebrated by having a circus themed party at Kidz Play. 

Malone had a BLAST!  All of her most favorite friends came and they had so much fun bouncing and eating chicken nuggets and cookie cake.  Malone is definately more social this year and it was so cute to watch her and her friends playing and interacting together. 

 This is Malone as the "birthday clown".  She loved her outfit and it went right with our fun circus theme! 

Last year Malone did not like being sung "Happy Birthday" to at her party or all the attention she got because it was her birthday.  This year she was ALL about it!  She smiled the entire time we sang and then blew out her #4 candle. I thought it was so sweet to see the difference a year has made.  This is Malone last year before her 3rd birthday party.  Look at how much she has grown in a year.

I can't believe how fast my sweet girl is growing up.  I remember how little and tiny she was when she was born and now she is growing like a weed.  Malone will start Pre-K this year and I get teary eyed every time I think about it.  She is not a baby any more, but a little girl that is maturing and growing with every passing second.  I amaze myself as she grows by being so excited and looking forward to the next milestone, but mourning the ones that have passed already.  I guess that feeling is just part of being a mother.  I am so thankful every day that the Lord chose me to be her mother and I cherish that responsibility to the fullest.  I love you Malone--to the moon and stars and ALL the way back again!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Looking for the rainbow

Lately I've been looking for the rainbow.  The rainbow that means the floods are gone and the sun will shine again.  It seems like everyone in our family has been hit with some type of illness or challenge.  It all started right before Christmas when Malone had strep.  She was so sick for about 3 or 4 days and it was pitiful.  That cleared up to be followed by an ear infection.  That was followed by a ringworm on her leg and a breakout of eczema followed that.  Then Jagger was hit with a stomach virus that was followed by a rash on his body caused by some type of bacteria.  And to top it all off, I've been having trouble with my back and have really had a hard time standing or walking for long periods of time (thankfully it has been feeling better this week).  Doctor visits, antiobiotics, steroid creams, etc  have all been in our life the past month and I keep thinking that soon I'll see the rainbow that means the storms have passed.

But the rainbow has been right in front of me all along.  Our storms and clouds are so minor in comparison to what we COULD be facing, and what others DO face on a daily basis, that our rainbow is actually shining brightly!  When I am stressed or freaking out over our problems, I need to remember that no matter how bad it gets we can get through it.  And even it if our clouds get worse (and my prayer is always that they do not) I know that God will see us through.  In the end, as long as we love and trust Him, the rainbow is ALWAYS there. 

Monday, January 16, 2012


Wow, it has been a long time since I've written anything.  But we have been super busy through Christmas, going back to work/school, and now birthday party planning! Here is a recap of what has gone on the last month:

*We had a fabulous Christmas!  We were super busy the entire week leading up to Christmas with family gatherings and Church events, but we enjoyed Christmas day at home relaxing, eating, and celebrating.  Here is a picture of what Santa brought the kids.  Malone got a Barbie car, a Barbie house, and a bicycle.  Jagger got an activity table, a basketball goal, and a remote control car. 

*I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions, because let's be honest; no one ever keeps them.  But I am trying to be a little healthier.  I want to drink less Coke and Sweet Tea and drink more water.  I want to eat more fruit and eat less junk.  If I lose a few pounds in the process then that will be a side benefit. 

*Malone's 4th birthday is coming up at the end of this month.  I am not sure how she has grown into such a little girl so quickly, but she has.  She is at such a fun age.  She loves playing with her friends and they are so sweet to watch together.  She has such a great imagination and blows my mind when she comes up with stuff.   I am so blessed to call her my daughter.  I pray that she will grow up to have compassion for others and a good sense of right and wrong.  I also prays that she loves Jesus and wants Him to lead her through her life.  For her birthday she wants to have a "jumping party" at the local party center with blow up inflatables.  I am big on themed birthdays and was at a loss of what to do since we are having it somewhere that is not easy to decorate.  So we are doing a "Circus" party in bright, fun colors to go along with the jumping theme. 

*Jagger started crawling over Christmas and also got his two bottom teeth in the same day!  He is such a precious boy that fills my heart with so much love!  He is so happy and loving and is such a sweet soul.  I pray that he grows into a strong young man who respects others and has a heart for Jesus. 

Hopefully, it won't be so long before I sit down to write again.  :)