My sweet family

My sweet family

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Man

High school sweethearts we were not!  In fact, we ran in completely different crowds.  I was afraid of getting in trouble; Justin had a slight wild side.  I was shy and in all the advanced academic classes.  Justin was athletic, outgoing, and didn't always give his best in school.  But in our senior yearbook, our baby pictures were side by side.  In another picture actually took our senior year in high school we were sitting side by side.  It's ironic now to see since we barely spoke to one another. 

During our senior year, Justin and his parents began going to the same church I attended.  His dad became our youth minister and I started to see Justin more and get to know him better.  By the time high school graduation rolled around we were friends.  Not close, but good enough friends from church to have our picture taken together in our cap and gowns after the graduation ceremony.

Then we both moved away to college.  I headed to Athens to the University of Georgia.  Justin went out of state to Cumberland University on a wrestling scholarship.  However, we were AOL friends and instant messaged one another quite often.  We saw each other at Christmas, and during Spring Break we actually made a point to get together for dinner.  This was the start of our relationship.  We started talking more on the phone and hanging out when we were both home from school.  When we both came home for summer break we became inseperable. 

Within a month I knew I wanted to marry Justin Childress.  I couldn't stop thinking about him and enjoyed hanging out with him.  He was my good friend, and I fell in love with him.  We made it through a long distance relationship when I returned to Athens to UGA and Justin began his career path in Calhoun.  We were engaged after a year and a half of dating and then were married after another year and a half of being engaged. 

Marriage has not always been easy.  There have been hard times along the way.  Tears have been cried, hurtful words have been said, and feelings have been hurt.  However, the good times far outweigh the bad.  Memories have been made, children have been born, and our bond has strengthened and solidified.  Since we were so young when we first married we both inevitably changed and grew as individuals.  However, through our dedication to the Lord and committment to one another our individual changes have brought us closer together as a couple.  We are each others best friend.  There is no one else I think of first when I have something to share or celebrate.  There is no one else I want to vent or complain to when I've had a bad day. 

I thank the Lord every day that I have a man who comes home to me every night, who tells me he loves me every day, who is my lover, friend, father of my children, and who is my safe place.  7 years down and forever to go!  I love you Justin Childress.  Happy Anniversary!!!!