My sweet family

My sweet family

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Christmas is here...well less than a month away.  It is absolutely, without a doubt my FAVORITE time of year.  I love everything about it: the trees, the lights, the music, the church services, and even the shopping.  I just think the atmosphere and air seem magical at Christmas time.  This year we decorated our house the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  Justin got all our boxes down from the attic and set up our trees (we have 2 big ones and 2 small ones: one in each of the kids' room).  When he plugged in our big trees both of them had huge sections of lights not working.  After working on them for a while, we decided the one in the living room was not able to be saved and we needed to buy a new one for our living room.  I was devastated because I loved my tree.  I loved the fact that I had the option of doing just colored lights, just white lights, or both together. After getting our new one and putting it all together I was really pleased, even though I would still love to have some colored lights on it too  :)

I was really letting this hurdle dampen my Christmas spirit.  But, as usual it all worked out.  I needed to stop and remember that Christmas is NOT about the decorating (even though that is super fun and special), but about the birth of our Savior.  Justin and I are teaching Malone and Jagger that Christmas is one big birthday party for Jesus.  All the trees and lights are decorations for the birthday party, the presents are a reminder that it's Jesus' birthday, and Santa Claus comes because he loves Jesus so much that he wants all the boys and girls to help him celebrate. 

I have seen several people post, blog, or talk about not being in the spirit this year.  I know our society turns Christmas into one big, commercial event, however, Christmas is what YOU make it in your own life and home.  I CHOOSE to have the spirit, have fun, and remember what it is all about.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This time of year is definately my favorite time.  I love fall colors, cooler weather, and the spirit that fills the air.  In a world where many people have little or nothing, I am blessed to have an abundance of things to be thankful for.  With the Thanksgiving holiday a week away I thought I'd take time to reflect upon my life and what I am thankful for.

1.  I am thankful for my salvation.  I am completely undeserving of that precious gift from the Lord, but am eternally grateful to have it.
2.  I am thankful for my wonderful husband.  He is a great man, father, and friend.  He works hard, which at time frustrates me because work takes up so much of his time, but I am so proud of his work ethic and what it allows for me and our family (see #7).  He spends quality time with our children and is a natural with them.
3.  I am thankful for my precious, precious babies.  Malone and Jagger have completely fulfilled my life.  When I was a little girl being a "mommy" to my babies was my favorite thing to play.  I always knew I wanted to be a mommy, but never knew how much love I would have for my children.
4.  I am thankful for my mom, who is my best friend.  She is the most selfless person I know, putting everyone above herself.  And she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Malone and Jagger.  She is the perfect Nana!
5.  I am thankful for my family.  In a world where many people have no one, I have so many people who love me, and who I love.
6.  I am thankful for my Granny, who is in Heaven now.  Even though she is no longer here with me, I will forever be grateful to have had her in my life.  She was more precious to me than anyone, and I loved her so much.  I'm so glad I knew her. 
7.  I am thankful to be able to be a stay at home mom part time.  My babies have been growing too fast and I can't imagine missing even more than I already feel like I do.  I am again thankful for Justin for letting me have this awesome opportunity.
8.  I am thankful for my teaching job that has allowed me to work part time this year.  It provides some income into our house, insurance and benefits, and a time where I can go have my career and have adult interaction. 
9.  I am thankful for my beautiful home.  How blessed I am to have it, and I am so thankful to have somewhere to stay warm and dry and call HOME.
10.  I am thankful for my church.  It's a place I like to go to learn and be fed in the Word. 

There are many other things I can think of that I am thankful for!  I hope we can all reflect and find things in our lives that deserve our gratitude!  Happy Thanksgiving!