My sweet family

My sweet family

Monday, May 23, 2011


In a time where there are many changes and new things happening in my life, I am reminded by how blessed I am.  I know I am so unworthy of the blessings, but am so grateful to the Lord for allowing them to come into my life.  Here are a few of the blessings that have been on my mind lately:

1.  I have a wonderful husband who is ALWAYS on my side and very helpful with our family.  He works so hard at his job and as a husband and father. I know that I got one in a million. 

2.  I have two beautiful children who have made my life completely joyful.  I am so thankful that I was able to have them and I cherish the job of being their mommy.

3.  Recently I found out that my position as a special education teacher was transfered to a different school with a higher need.  While I am going to miss the wonderful friends I have at my old school, I am viewing the change as a blessing due to many other factors. 

4.  I am finishing up with my Master's Degree in July and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to have a great education. 

5.  In an economy largely driven by the hurting housing market, I am so blessed that we have not had many bumps along the road.  This is even more of a blessing due to the fact that my husband is a realtor. 

Monday, May 9, 2011


Malone has reached THAT stage.  Everything is "why?".  I tell her to pick up her toys, and she says "why"...if we are out somewhere and I tell her it is time to go, she says "why".  And the list could go on and on. It is so funny!  And I have actually started using that cliched response of "Because I said so".  At first I was explaining the reason why and giving her very detailed answers...but then the "whys" kept coming and it became automatic to just say "I said so".  Oh goodness!  :)  I love her dearly and she keeps me on my toes.  She is too smart for a 3 year old and I can only imagine how it will be as she gets older!

Mother's Day was yesterday and it was a wonderful day.   Justin and the babies gave me some very sweet cards and a gift certificate for an ultimate facial/massage.  I can't wait to use it!  After we got ready for church Malone told me that I looked beautiful and that made my whole day.  We went to church and then went to eat at Harvest Moon.  My mom, aunt, and Justin's parents went.  I am very blessed to have a fabulous Mama.  She is the most selfless person I know.  I see how other mothers treat their children and their attitudes can be so selfish, and I thank God that I had such a wonderful example to teach me about motherhood.  I am so blessed with two wonderful babies of my own and I am so grateful for them!!