My sweet family

My sweet family

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Traditions

1.  Home Alone is my all time favorite Christmas movie.  It's a tradition to watch it Thanksgiving night, and hopefully a few more times by Christmas. 

2.  I buy each of the kids a new, special ornament every year.  This year Jagger has his first Christmas ornaments and Malone got a ballet ornament.

3.  Speaking of Christmas movies, I must also watch The Santa Clause with Tim Allen and the Charlie Brown Christmas special sometime before Christmas. 

4.  We make cookies Christmas Eve to leave for Santa.

5.  We open presents on Christmas Eve with the kids.  We give them our gifts from us and give gifts to each other from the kids.  Then after the kids go to bed, Justin and I give each other our gifts.  This is a special time that allows us to spend some quiet time alone.

6.  Santa Claus brings 3 big presents for each of the kids.  This represents the 3 gifts brought to baby Jesus from the Wise Men.

7.  Stocking Stuffers are my absolute favorite part of Christmas morning.  Sometimes, it's the little things that are the funnest to get. 

8.  On Christmas Day we eat steak, salad, and baked potatoes for our big meal.  Not exactly traditional, but it has become our own traditional Christmas Day meal.

9.  Christmas Day night we go riding through town and neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights.  We didn't get to do it last year because of the snow and road conditions, but a White Christmas was even better!

10.  I love Christmas music, and play it in my car starting at Thanksgiving!