My sweet family

My sweet family

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Time for Change

Tomorrow Justin and I will check into the hospital for the birth of our second baby, a sweet boy!  We are so excited and ready to have him here.  It has been a long pregnancy and my body is so ready to not be pregnant anymore.  I ask everyone to pray for a smooth labor and delivery, a healthy baby, and a quick recovery.  However, things will definately be different from now on. We will find our new routine quickly, but it will take some getting used to.  Here are some things that will take some adjusting:

--Not being able to give all my attention to just one child.  Finding that balance to make sure each one gets special "Mommy" time.

--More time and planning to just be able to get up and go somewhere.  Even our normal, daily activities will require extra prep time now.

--Teaching Malone how to love her new baby brother.  I hope this comes naturally, but if I am being honest, she is 3 and will be instinctivly jealous.  I want her to know this is ok while also teaching her to adjust and get over it.

--Having to plan time to have alone with Justin.  Our relationship is still the most important thing in order to keep our family happy and we must continue to make it a priority.  I hope to still be able to have "date night" a few times per month.  

I know it will not be long before I am looking back and wondering what we did before our second baby (kinda like I do now before we had Malone), but right now the change can seem somewhat overwhelming.  I am excited to tackle this new challenge because I know our lives will be better for it!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Sweet Life

I have recently started reading blogs due to having extra time on my hands.  My activities have been limited since January due to preterm labor with my second  baby and I took medical leave from work.  In order to fill my time I have spend a lot of time reading and found several blogs I love to follow.  I love to hear what other people have to say about their lives.  It personally makes me feel good when I read a story about someone who I can relate to and have things in common with. 

My life is so blessed.  I have a WONDERFUL husband, Justin,  who helps me out so much.  He is an amazing father and does so much for our family.  My 3 year old daughter, Malone, is precious and keeps us on our toes.  She is so funny and smart and nothing gets by her.  She goes to "school" two days a week for several hours and has already learned so much.  She knows all of her shapes (even weird ones like oval and diamond), colors, ABCs, numbers and much more.  I can not wait to see what she does with all of this knowledge when she goes to "real" school in a few years.  We have another baby, a boy, due any day now.  We are so ready to have him here with us and enjoy the blessings he will bring. 

Here are just a few random thoughts to close by:

--I am so glad I did not have to be pregnant in the summer.  I have major hot flashes now and it is only March

--I pray every night that our baby boy sleeps half as well as our daughter did.  We have been so spoiled and blessed with how well she does.  Justin and I both LOVE our sleep  :)

--I love to eat and worry that this will be BAD, BAD, BAD as I try to lose this baby weight.