My sweet family

My sweet family

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's that time again....

It's the time of year again that I start thinking and preparing for Christmas.  I know many people would think "Wow, that's early", but I'm a planner at heart and it's also my favorite time of year, so in my opinion, it's never too early to prepare. I'm one of those crazy people who put out Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving.  I know, I know...that is so early, but like I said, it's the most wonderful time of year, so why not enjoy it?!!!?

 Justin and I have an annual ritual in October where we start our Christmas shopping for the kids.  Both of our birthday's are in October and we always spend one Saturday (usually the weekend in between our birthdays) shopping and then we go somewhere nice for dinner.  We have done this since Malone was born and we usually get her Christmas finished on that trip.  It is one of my favorite days of the entire year.  I love getting to spend quality time with Justin, while doing something fun and special for Malone (and now Jagger too!).   This year our month of October is crazy-busy so we are going to do our annual birthday date early while I'm on Fall Break the first week of October.  I'm so excited!

 I have already started asking Malone what she wants Santa Claus to bring her for Christmas.  So far she has said a car (oh my...I'll be in real trouble when she is 16), a Hello Kitty bicycle, and Barbies.  She loves her Barbies (which I think is so precious, because that was my favorite toy as a child too) so I think she would also love to have a Barbie Dream House.  I think I'll show her a picture of one and see what she says. 

Jagger is easy at this stage because I get to decide everything he gets.  :)  I have several things in mind for him, but I'm gonna keep my options open so I can have fun browsing and shopping next week. 

It's the most wonderful time of the year..... What fun rituals do you have for fall, and leading up to Christmas???

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fall Favorites: Fair and Football

It's that time of the year again...Fall.  Fall means colorful trees, crisp morning and evening air, county fairs, and football.  Our little family has already been enjoying some of the fun fall activities.  Our county fair is in town for the next week and we spent last night enjoying it's opening night activities.  Last year, Malone hated everything about the fair.  She wouldn't even ride the Merry Go Round.  This year was a completely different story.  We couldn't get her on the rides fast enough.  She rode the little fish, the swings, the cars, the train, and the boats.  She had a blast.  She wanted to win a goldfish but we weren't lucky enough to make that dream come true :)

It is also football time in our household.  We are huge University of Georgia fans.  I graduated from UGA and went to every game when I was living in Athens.  Our family bleeds red and black.  The DAWGS have been struggling the last few years, but we support them anyway.  We hope they get back on track this year and have a better season.  Goooooo Dawgs. Sic 'em.  Woof, woof, woof, woof!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

5 months

Jagger is 5 months old.  How did that happen so quickly?  I'm aware every day that time is passing quickly and he won't be little for long.  He is absolutely precious and is so loving and happy.  He has the most adorable little laugh and he smiles all the time.  At 5 months old he can already roll over.  Actually, he started rolling over at about 3 months old, but he only did it a few times at night when he was asleep.  He doesn't roll much now, but he has done it a few times where I have actually seen him do it.  He is also eating some baby food now.  We tried green beans and carrotts at first, and Jagger had no interest in eating them.  He spit every bite out that I put in his mouth.  But finally, I found something he likes....sweet potatoes.  He ate the whole thing of them.  I was so excited.  He is getting so big.  He wears 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.  It's amazing to me how much bigger he is at this age than Malone was.  Before long he will be pulling up and trying to crawl and walk.  I hope he doesn't hit that milestone too soon!

I have no words for how much I love that sweet boy.  I could kiss his sweet cheeks all day long and do nothing but hold him in my lap. His face can make my day brighter and sweeter!  Thank you Lord for my sweet Jagger-man!