My sweet family

My sweet family

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Sweet Life

I have recently started reading blogs due to having extra time on my hands.  My activities have been limited since January due to preterm labor with my second  baby and I took medical leave from work.  In order to fill my time I have spend a lot of time reading and found several blogs I love to follow.  I love to hear what other people have to say about their lives.  It personally makes me feel good when I read a story about someone who I can relate to and have things in common with. 

My life is so blessed.  I have a WONDERFUL husband, Justin,  who helps me out so much.  He is an amazing father and does so much for our family.  My 3 year old daughter, Malone, is precious and keeps us on our toes.  She is so funny and smart and nothing gets by her.  She goes to "school" two days a week for several hours and has already learned so much.  She knows all of her shapes (even weird ones like oval and diamond), colors, ABCs, numbers and much more.  I can not wait to see what she does with all of this knowledge when she goes to "real" school in a few years.  We have another baby, a boy, due any day now.  We are so ready to have him here with us and enjoy the blessings he will bring. 

Here are just a few random thoughts to close by:

--I am so glad I did not have to be pregnant in the summer.  I have major hot flashes now and it is only March

--I pray every night that our baby boy sleeps half as well as our daughter did.  We have been so spoiled and blessed with how well she does.  Justin and I both LOVE our sleep  :)

--I love to eat and worry that this will be BAD, BAD, BAD as I try to lose this baby weight. 

1 comment:

  1. Found you on Blue Eyed Bride's blog...welcome to blogging! I have to say, from someone who was pregnant last summer (in a HEAT WAVE) that it you are lucky! I literally stayed indoors with the air on all summer. Love the name Malone!
